Tiger of the Mirror

Perhaps you have yet to realize that movies are better than video games?

For the rebel AND the gentleman?!
Shit, I'll probably buy some of his clothes. I'm not even joking.

Mindy Kaling

And if Brazil is a satire, what exactly is Gilliam satirizing? The society of Brazil is so far out it doesn't really resemble the real world. Is he making fun of a non-existent civilization? I don't get it. Maybe I shouldn't bother analyzing it and just enjoy the movie like a straightforward fantasy.

I'm not trolling, honest. After I watched it, it just seemed like an exercise in pointlessness. The satire is so broad, I feel like there's another level of meaning beyond the obvious "bureaucracy is bad". I mean, it's like watching Taxi Driver and saying the point of the story is that being a cabbie can be stressful.

She's Russian. They're used to that sort of shit.

I like Un seductor irresistible.

I actually just started a dream journal. As for the hands thing, I'm not sure if that would work; a lot of my dreams only feature me as an observer of the action, not a participant. I'll keep that in mind though.

…is one of the few movies where I have trouble finding an underlying theme or point. It wouldn't surprise me if Gilliam didn't have one in mind when he made. Does anyone have any theories?

Another One You Guys Missed
The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges. It's not one of my favorite Borges stories, but it's still pretty damn good. Of course, even including it on the list is a bit of a spoiler…

The Dream Cycle
If your going to mention one of them, you would do well to mention the others as well. H. P. Lovecraft wrote several stories set within dreams, not all of which ended as well as The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (I'm looking at you Kuranes!).

One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to do that (lucid dreaming, not Biastioc's wacky escapades).

Cool story bro!

Poor Dr. Robuttnik and may God damn the bureaucracy!


Sounds very Jack Vance's Dying Earth Series-ish.

It got me thinking about having more dignity and self-respect.

Stay classy YouTube.

Much like Mr. Accident, this firstie is seriously unapreciated.

Only Nine Feet Tall?