Tiger of the Mirror

And Equilibrium.

The Big Twist Is…
…someone or something else is also aboard the ship!

@McGee: That was a Biastioc quote that I thought was so ludicrous I repeated it.

For the record, I am not a hentai fan. Nor am I a rape fan.

@ Dumbledore Calrissian: What can I say? I'm a figure of controversy.

"[Avatar has] kind of gotten stomped out [in theaters] because of Alice In Wonderland."
Go fuck yourself Cameron.

I once knew some chicks that split a banana three ways.

Haters gonna hate.

@Bfred: Naturally.

Yeah, because religous people are so much more unhappy than atheists.

At the end of the movie, it's revealed that she's actually an imploding girl.

When I was a kid I knew a guy who had a Kangaroo Jack poster hanging in his window.

I just finished Five Weeks In A Balloon. It really sucked; there was no cool steampunk action other than a fancy balloon and most of the action was three British motherfuckers marveling at all the primitive black people below them.

I liked the Hardy Boys and the palatable sexual tension between Frank and Chet.

Turns out, Pattinson is 30-something Russian dwarf.

I think she's pretty.

No, Rabin's just a gentleman.

I read some of the old Primers and they're pretty good (as is this one). I look forward to seeing more.

Hold On.
So does she ever actually explode?

I learn something new every day.