Tiger of the Mirror

Really? I don't remember ever seeing this column since I started regularly visiting this site.

On Nature:
I think John Hodgman put it best when he said "I had seen in that squirrel's face a kind of hard truth I still don't like to admit: nature is ravenous. If you are not careful, it will either consume you of transform you into it's twisted servant."

Primer sounds a lot like Gateways to Geekery, to be perfectly honest.

I think we should just start hitting every conceivable hentai forum and start mentioning his name in order to draw him out.

On Douchbaggery
Shia looks like an enormous douchehammer in that picture. But then, doesn't he always?

I didn't notice that.

Hey, I live near there. Maybe I'll visit the Candy Store and see if I can confirm your tale of misery.

God forbid someone famous isn't Hollywood beautiful.

Biastioc, we need your guiding hand during these troubled times. Please come back.

How about the Happy Days episode where Fonzie jumps the shark?

In case you missed it: stealth firstie.

Other Children's Series' That Need A Dark And Gritty Reboot
Winnie the Pooh
The Berenstein Bears
Curious George
Clifford the Big Red Dog

On The Subject Of Output:
What's with all the new features in the last couple weeks? I've barely adjusted to THEN That's What They Called Music. IT'S ALL TOO MUCH.

Too bad they couldn't get Armstrong.

A Statement About Modern Cinema
I refuse to believe that Monsters vs. Aliens does anything better than anything else, ever. Frankly, it's really sad that that movie did so well.

The greatest scene Jackson's ever done is when Treebeard freaks out when he sees that Saruman has cut down the forest.

Yes, that was quite serendipitous.

Clockwork Orange reference FTW.

The entire concert will take place in an Aleph. Enjoy!
