Tiger of the Mirror

See, that's why I don't play competitively.

I blame Mariah Carey's juicy figure.

Cameron's made some really good movies, so yeah, he gets a lifetime pass. He's still a humungous douchbag that made that piece-of-shit Avatar.

Has Anyone Played…
…Robot Unicorn Attack? It's fun as fuck and the A.V.Club should review it. Plus, 'Always' by Erasure is the background music, which is bloody awesome.

I Hear Ben Stiller Bombed…
…but damn, that picture of him in Naavi makeup is pretty funny.

Yeah, Sonic sucks. He doesn't even look like a hedgehog for Christ's sake.

Same here. I've never played it or even heard of it before 30 seconds ago, but I know deep down it deserves an A+.

Leni Riefenstahl
D. W. Griffith

Unregistered users are second-class citizens unless they have a funny and recognizable schtick.

It's war.


Give her some sugar cubes and an apple and she'll calm down.

Pet Sematary is King's best novel.

And now we'll never know, will we?

Lincoln: Our Greatest President
Too bad his wife was a fucking psycho.

Thug fo' LIFE mothafucka!

Oh, now it's gone. It was good while it lasted though, huh?

Yeah, I don't feel like rehashing this shit. Count me out.

I have great respect for Stalin's sweet 'stache. He was still a mass murderer though.

Fo'shizzle homeslice. I'm hip.