Tiger of the Mirror

Good God…
…that is a shitty picture at the top.


Fuck the Oscars with a cactus slathered with shit and fuck James Cameron with a red-hot shovel.

Failed secondsies?

I prefer cryptogeography.

::makes dirty "low-hanging fruit" joke::

Too partisan to be funny.

I think she's from Idaho.


They Should Make A Sex Tape.
Just sayin'.

*hangs head in shame*

I think that's probably grounds for calling off the wedding.

You know who else never saw Firefly?

Reality Hunger:
A Manifirsto

Where da fook is da mudafuggin' Fayafly? WHERE DA FOOK IZIT?

I Never Saw Firefly…
…and was pretty unimpressed by Serenity. It didn't strike me as especially original or revolutionary or anything like that. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had seen the TV series, but Serenity struck me as pretty average.

I would actually watch that.

He was a professor of love.

Only if Richard Kelly and M. Night Shyamalan co-direct.

Bravo sir.