Tiger of the Mirror

Finding asian girls attractive and grotequely obese girls unatractive? Next step: genocide!

I dare say you won't regret it.

Having Madonna judge marriages is like having Osama Bin Laden, Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels chair a seminar for the Anti-Defamation League.

Yes, the allure of Travis Bickle's New York is lost to us. What a pity.

…what about that one episode of SVU?

Where ISN'T Firefly?

In The Woods
A damn fine novel. The sequel is even better. Tana French is probably my favorite mystery writer.

One of the better articles, to be sure.

He's the best damn cop on the force!

There's someone or something else aboard the ship!

Tarantino's a hack.

One-Piece isn't as bad because it's so fucking goofy, so it's hard to hate. Everything else though? Pass. And yes, that includes Avatar: The Last Airbender, America's crappy answer to Japan's crap.

On the bright side, if we didn't have the Fifth Element, we wouldn't have Leon: The Professional.

This Will Be Amazing
So so amazing.

I believe Winnie the Pooh is a stuffed animal.

Did the first National Treasure have Freemasons?

Theodore Rex, FTW.

Does anyone else use PaperBackSwap?

I think he just resents the power Oprah has over what so many people read.

National Treasure rules, as does Pirates of the Caribbean. You, Mr. Scum Devil, need to rethink your rule.