Tiger of the Mirror

I Just Got a Copy From The Library
I wonder if I'll enjoy it more than Mr. Hyden. On one hand I'm pretty young and I've been seriously considering taking a roadtrip. On the other hand, I have pretty dim view of counterculture attitudes.

I dig.

Indignant and self-righteous retort from some registered douchebag.

Christian kids? I thought it was skanks.

I totally thought Rabin's was going to be Smoove column.

Monopoly totally has a storyline. Various CEOs who happen to be inanimate objects compete for economic control of Atlantic City.

The big twist is that while Admiral Jones was going to the bathroom, an enemy agent snuck a look at the battleplans.

They made a movie called S1mone…

The Best Of Both Worlds
How about a movie where Edgar Allen Poe solves a murder mystery aboard a battleship? You can't deny that would fucking amazing.

I'm pretty sure some dillweed on these very boards ruined the ending for me.

The island's actually an isthmus and the shutters are actually Venetian blinds. Very twisty.

Faster Times = dickheads
Slate = douchehats

The Complete Stories of J.G. Ballard is on it's way. Unfortunately, there are a couple other people ahead of me on the reserve list, so I won't be getting it for a while. Thanks for all the help guys; sometimes, among all the firsties and insults, it's easy to forget how helpful and intelligent the people this site

Let me also note that I've read Naked Lunch and American Psycho, among other things, so I'm not worried about being shocked by explicit literature.

Synecdoche sounds pretty similar to Satoshi Kon's style.

The short work collection, I mean.

Supposedly it's his "complete works".

What a fucking doofus.

My local library only has the following books by Ballard. Help me figure out which one I should try first, since they don't have High-Rise.

Raped by a sasquatch, I hear. A real shame.