Tiger of the Mirror

I know right? It's spooky how things come together.

I just watched Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue last night.

Dunder-Mifflin Infinity, I hear.

"The Doggie Dorothy Parker"?
"Dorothy Barker" would have been much funnier.


And thus, Ragnarok began.

I disagree.

The way her arms just hang at her sides just adds to the effect.

My friends were convinced that Avatar was going to be amazing and they dragged me to the midnight premiere. I am never going to let them live that one down.

How do her eyes do that?!

Well, Achilles gets killed and goes down to the underworld. As for Odysseus, he definately had it harder than Aeneas. For all his bad luck, Aeneas and most of his men got through the Mediterranean without major casualties. His dad was an old guy and the buisness with Dido, while unfortunate, was ultimately better for

That Screenshot At The Top…
Dear Lord.

A Wrinkle In Time sucks.

The term "Hollywood ending" has certainely changed over the years, eh?

It's actuallly pretty suprising how much traditional Christian mythology isn't in Bible: Mary Magdelene was never said to be a prostitute, the number of wise men is never specified, Ben-Hur is never mentioned at all, et cetera.

One more thing: Ben-Hur is never actually mentioned in the Bible. He's about as important to Christian theology as the little drummer boy.

If this was an old western bar, the guy at the piano just stopped playing and the bartender just put all the good booze under the counter.

How about a good movie about Mohammed?

There should be a movie adaptation where the kid gets molested by the Giver. Just my two cents…

If I ever need to get a copy of the Inferno, I going to make an effort to find one of those cheesy videogame ones.