Tiger of the Mirror

Big entertainment industry awards shows are among the most empty and unjust things in the world. I pay them no heed.

Dick Moby? Really?

Apparently Wayans Filmed This And Dungeons & Dragons Simultaneously
I feel a little cognitive dissonance knowing he acted in such a great movie and such a lousy movie at the same time.

This Film…
…is fucking amazing. I'm still disturbed that it didn't make any of Best of the Decade lists though. Come on!

I'm really enjoying this show too. It really is a lot like an update of The A-Team or Magnum P. I. So basically, awesome in every way.

All this equal-opportunity offender is a bit old. I would prefer a racist who only goes after one or two races.

The more Sarah Palin is on TV, the more likely it is that she'll screw up and torpedo her chances for a presidential run. Therefore, I think she should have an entire channel devoted to her ramblings, in the hope that she says something so stupid that nobody would seriously consider her to be a viable canidate.

They will be released more or less simultaneously.

On The Subject Of A Song Of Ice And Fire
Apparently, Peter Dinklage is playing Tyrion.

A. That's retarded.

I had a friend who hated it so much she had tears of disappointment in her eyes when it was over. Now I don't feel that strongly about popcorn films, but I can see where she was coming from. That movie was fucking dreadful.

This seems to be skirting the The Room edge of badness.

Biastioc, where have you gone? The world needs you.

A good avatar is important too.

Mr. Calrissian makes an excellent point: Marines are much cooler. Plus, they're not even villianous. How am I suppossed to root against them instead of a bunch of blue, arboreal alien suckfuckers?

The XYZ Affair.

He get's points for the Calvin and Hobbes reference.

Here's the problem with Avatar: it sucks in almost every way. Get rid of the cool visuals and you have nothing.

Jack McCoy isn't usually on SVU.

Brad Neely is a fucking genius. I've had mixed luck gtting my brother into his work; he likes Wizard People but hates Babycakes and the Professor Brothers.