Hey, good catch. That was a bitchin' vampire movie.
Hey, good catch. That was a bitchin' vampire movie.
Where's biastioc?
Frankly, I never cared for TomWaits for Snowman. All of his comments where either boring or pretentious. I never saw what the BFD was about him.
I was making the case to someone that TomWaits for Snowman is not a pretentious ass, I would steer him or her clear of this thread.
On Requiem For A Dream
That movie had some fucking awesome performances. It better get recognized elsewhere.
That picture is the epitome of the smug, arrogant, swarmy dickheadishness that seems to be permenantely ingrained in American popular culture. I am completely repulsed by the shear shit-eating stupidity.
I'm straight and I wish I was a transhumanist atomic superman.
Reign of Fire! That's what it was called.
I laughed my ass off when I saw him in that dragon movie.
Is that an H. R. Geiger?
Everything on this list: http://www.avclub.com/artic…
Hey, Nick Cage needs to make money too.
The Yiddish Policemen's Union bored my ass off. I think it will be a long time beofre I give Michael Chabon another chance.
I liked the Kite Runner. I feel like it struck a good balance between being a bit fantastical and at the same time, realistic.
The first Artemis Fowl book was pretty sweet, but the series went straight downhill after that.
I could buy that argument. I consider my tastes in books and movies to be pretty good, but I love shitty music unironically.
I thought The Scar was better the Perdido Street Station, but Iron Council? Not so much. What did you think about The City & The City?
If Dan Brown is the worst writer you've read, you aren't reading enough bad books.
What else this list missed: The Areas Of My Expertise by John Hodgman.
I've totally read The Mist twice and I love it.