I don't know, maybe I'm just missing something, but beneath the sheer pleasure of watching the characters and plots raging forward, there just wasn't much there besides great storytelling. Plus, I found the fantasy elements and world-building to be really unoriginal, which is still my biggest problem with the series.
I might have to get my hands on this..
…if only because I'm a sucker for the "small group seperated from civilization" premise.
I think I might have to check every book on this list. They all sound pretty interesting - but I guess that's the thing about short stories, their summaries always sound more interesting.
I agree with those who say Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell wasn't really as great as people say it is. It was a bit too much like a period novel in that it was rather dull at many points in the narrative. Decent, but best of the decade? Naaaah.
I enjoyed reading A Song of Fire and Ice more than almost any other book in recent memory and certainly more than any of the other three books on this list that I've read. That being said, I don't think it's deep enough to be considered one of the best books of the decade. China Meiville's Bas-Lag novels and the…
The Problem With The Problem Of Susan
I grew up going to a evangelical Christian private school until 9th grade and one of the things that got heavily emphasized during English class was how all of C. S. Lewis' books were in some way Christian allegories. According to the school of thought that I was exposed to, the…
Retroactive first!
You know what I really appreciate about ZMF? Every time another fool on this site tries to imitate him, they can never pull it off. It really illustrates how mad his wordcrafting skills are.
Cool guys don't look at explosions.
Let Us Not Forget
50 Cent got shot a bunch of times. That still counts for something, right?
Once again Barf Man, you have said in a single blast of stomach acid and partially digested food what a thousand words couldn't have.
On the Subject of Twilight Knockoffs
We need one with a sexy, brooding Hitler's preserved brain in a spidery, robotic exoskeleton.
Well put.
Hey now, there's no shame in being raped by Satan.
Other Stunt Commentators I Want To See More Of
Elegant Victorian Lady
You should change the name of this column from "Scenic Routes" to "Bitching About A Film's Technical Aspects".
I can't believe they skipped Halo. Maybe they should have made a longer list.
I'm pretty sure "Blue" is in heavily synthesized English.
That was pretty funny too.