Winner fights Elegant Victorian Lady.
Winner fights Elegant Victorian Lady.
He was mastubatin' furiously.
8. He has the ability to turn into a lava monster.
I think ovaries count as "balls".
You what BBC filmmakers? Get some fucking Bigfoot footage and we'll talk.
Get ready to have your minds blown.
It was Scott Hall, aka Henchman 1.
He told me he was wearing a condom.
Uncyclopedia Brown
Paging Biastioc…
Until now I've been on the fence about Hatred, but but totally won me over in this episode. I guess watching him see his ex having a S&M orgy humanized him for me. I think he's one of those characters that's funniest when he's utterly miserable.
I wonder is that spammer will hit this article?
You forgot "catamount" and "mountain lion".
Jesus is the ultimate celebrity endorsment.
Worse. Black people can actually have magical powers (voodoo, for instance). But a retard is always just a retard and nothing more.
I think King's best "nerd" character was the secret agent in Firestarter that terrorizes the waitress that reminds him of the popular girls in high school. That scene stuck in my head longer than most from that book.
My favorite King short story is definately 1408. I would not hesitate to say it's the scariest thing I've ever read in my entire life.
I really liked the Nicholas Cage and Barbara Walters impressions.
I thought that sketch was one of weakest in the show. But then again I thought the scared straight segment was hilarious.
The answer to all these questions, is, of course Jurassic Park III.