Who will be the Churchill to DMX's Chamberlain?
Who will be the Churchill to DMX's Chamberlain?
No, I'm not. But I find you're apparent faith in left-wing politians a bit naive.
Obviously you haven't realized that the vast majority of Democrat politicians are hypocritic pricks.
OCD version:
I think they should have the guys responsible for the Saw series put in charge of this movie.
It's not heroic to brag about your stupidity. It is heroic to deal with the consequences of your stupidity, especially when it means having to go to the extreme.
@teh dude
Hey, I'd be milking that ragged stump for evey penny I possibly could.
I really wanted this to be good…
Who should be the leading man?
I'm thinking Shia LaBeouf.
I think that's a screenshot from the Bollywood version of Child's Play.
My God that child's hideous.
"Hankinator? You're sleeping with him, aren't you?!"
Let me just say that Shadow of the Vampire and Let The Right One In are pretty good vampire movies.
Bully good!
Gordon Ramsay should be there too.
"I Didn't Know I Was A Homosexual"
The name is kinda clever though. Simulation One indeed.
I had all my money on Lady Gaga and Bret Easton Ellis co-hosting.
I did mean "they're".