In movies…
women always seem to be tilting their heads back when their having sex.
In movies…
women always seem to be tilting their heads back when their having sex.
Considering the way Sister dresses, that bear would have to be pretty fucking dumb.
I'm thinking Jack Black.
@smauis and Quixote:
That would work, because Papa Bear and Nick Cage are both enemies of the bees.
I remember being creeped out by that one too. But hey, I never got raped by a stranger when I was a kid, so maybe it was good for me.
The real question is: Why are the Charmin bears non-bear colors?
Bears can't be gay.
I'm psyched to see Hollywood fuck another beloved childhood memory.
Even the cynical and jaded AVClub staff can't face something so disillusioning as Ramsay's botoxing.
A duck walks into a pharmacy. He says to the pharmacist "My beak is very chapped. Do you have any ointment?"
Wow. I bet me and your dad would really hit it off. He sounds like a wild and crazy guy.
Someday, all television programming will involve Gordon Ramsay.
I have a German friend and the thing I remember most is that apparently, there are no drinking fountains in Germany. And she dressed very stylishly.
Captain Cook or Captain Cook.
Lovecraft is pretty verbose and antiquarian, but I think that's part of the reason his work is what it is. Love it or hate it, it's very unique.
I have that one. It's nice, but the publisher sprang for the cheapest leather imaginable.
The first Lovecraft stories I read were "The Statement of Randolph Carter" and "Dagon". Both are short and are excellent examples of his style and they both got me completely hooked.
The only way this could be good is if the humans exterminate every single one of those foul, alien primitives.
H. P. Lovecraft stories still freak me out.