
I think one of the critical things is that unlike colour, 3D doesn't really make the movie look more realistic. As Roger Ebert points out, due to the way our vision works, 2D movies don't really look "flat" to us. We fill in depth, and the experience is quite realistic. Also, the screen sort of takes the place of

A very good take on this film
I agree that this film, like "Blow Up", was most likely misinterpreted by critics at the time of its release. A lot of the press on "Blow Up" seems to be under the impression that Antonioni approved of the swinging' London scene the film was set in, which seems incredible in retrospect.

Exactly, Sacha Vierney's cinematography is some of the most beautiful black & white cinematography ever committed to film. Calling "Last Year at Mariebad" ugly abrogates your write to ever talk about films again.

Never pretended to be a girl. Why would anyone assume that's a photo of me?

I suppose this is the point where I sit down and have a good cry because an anonymous troll found a spelling mistake?

Aw, that's sweet

No big disappointments here
I suspect I will probably like the Noe film.

I absolutely refuse to ever think of the children again. To hell with the children.


@Rex and Shit

kitty = vagina?
Why doesn't pussy = vagina? Why would they need a new word that's equally long??

I very strongly protest your attack on Ms Biel. She clearly has the range of a plate of warm chicken salad.

It makes you homophobic I believe. I'll have to look it up.

True … it's a different point though. However, I would suggest that it's not EXPLICITLY offered as reasoning, but is occasionally implied. I think this is tied to the fact that it's not polite to throw your religion in someone's face. I think it would be naive to suggest that socially conservative politicians don't

The thing about Huston is he seemed to have his artistic crisis a bit earlier, around the late 50's and early 60's. "The Barbarian and the Geisha", "Freud", "The List of Adrian Messenger", "The Bible" & "Casino Royale" are all pretty dire flicks.

The problem with recommending "The Dead" to folks is that it's AWOL on DVD. Just saying is all.

It's just wrong to suggest that God is never invoked by Canadian politicians. It's just less common.

As a Canadian I'd like to add:

@The Pig In Zen
