Laika Rollenstone

I humbly submit that the next WUIB entry is on Sheen's early '90s book of poetry.

Well, Harding did die suddenly in real life. There've always been conspiracy theories surrounding his death, including that his wife killed him. He's also generally considered to be one of the most corrupt presidents, even if most of the scandals (like the Teapot Dome affair) weren't revealed until after his death. If

You guys seriously want to know about the hats? The hats are what allow the characters to unlock any door and run through secret portals around NYC.

Actually, I think Anthony Mackie's character does basically come out and say he's an angel (or at least something like "some people call us angels"). "The Matrix as remade by the Hallmark Channel" is right on.

Yeah, I'll cast a vote for Saucy Jack, but I'm all for Casey Barteau's.

Maybe it's Nick, I Heart Sean.

Weirdly, though, the compilation starts in 1956, two years before the Hot 100 even came into being. Anything before Ricky Nelson's "Poor Little Fool" you'll have to get from Wikipedia. The comp starts with Dean Martin's "Memories Are Made of This":

Itsy, bitsy nitpicking clarifications by a charts nerd
"Born This Way" is the 1000th #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, which started in 1958. Billboard had been keeping track of singles for years before that.

A Minor Correction
Jonze's co-director on "Tell Them Anything You Want" (the Maurice Sendak documentary) was Lance Bangs, while Moore served as co-producer.

Dolly Parton has already done the definitive version of "(She) Drives Me Crazy."

Ted Leo's already covered Chumbawumba before, except he did "Rappaport's Testament: I Never Gave Up" instead. Deep cut!

Er, Carl Newman. Not the deceased Beach Boy.


@The Best of Sterling Hayden

The Graham Coxon album? Between that comparison and the previously unbeknownst to me fact that The Broken West broke up, I may have to get this, sound unheard.

"When the book came out, there was at first a silence. It was quite a small book, after all, and hardly best-seller material; and although well received in critical circles in New York and London, it didn't make much of a splash up here, at least not initially. Then the moralists grabbed hold of it, and the

I have a few paintings by famed artist Neiman Marcus.

@Skip: That was funnier when I thought you were talking about Siskel and Ebert.

Does anyone know if the show will be streaming online? The old "At the Movies" website is no longer active.