Laika Rollenstone

It's a highbrow streaming movie site affiliated with Criterion. It used to be called The Auteurs.

That said, I could see past that if the music was worthwhile. Tennis is pleasant enough background music, but too bland to make an impression.

Any band that insists on having a backstory is obnoxious.

"Marathon" is OK, if kind of boring, but the smug hideousness of that album cover (plus the twee backstory) makes me never want to have anything to do with this band.

@Anonymous: Nope. But you get to play another day and (hopefully) net more the second time around.

And, er, I guess I just revealed my true identity. Please don't eat me alive, AV Club commenters!

Hey guys, I'm actually the current "Jeopardy!" champion (for serious). I've written a blog post about how I got on the show, if anyone's curious: http://sallyorourke.wordpre…

I thought Franco's was the performance of the year, and pretty much all of his scenes worked (apart from the hoky "right on!" audience reaction shots at the first reading of "Howl"). The trial scenes were patchier. I like Ginsberg's work (obviously, or I wouldn't have watched the movie), but it bugged me that

Has anyone done a chart of AV Club music reviews?
Because I predict a huge spike in the B+/A- region.

To be fair, the show was called "LENNONYC" and focused on his life in New York. Glenn Gould, on the other hand …

It hasn't been on yet! It'll screen tonight.

And if you want to be really technical, that's a rugby shirt, not a polo shirt.

My name is Luka. I live on the FIRST floor.

That last kid is named "Heather"
so I'm pretty sure she's a girl.

Weekend is also the name of the band Alison Statton formed after Young Marble Giants. That was a good 30 years ago, too.

"Beyond the Sunrise" is still the nadir of the band's career, and I'm not a big fan of "The Chalet Lines" or "Nice Day for a Sulk," but it's a pretty solid album. The band were trying out a darker sound that I wish they would have pursued further. Instead, they spun 180 degrees and pulled out Dear Catastrophe

I'm not a big fan of "Carriage Clock," but I'd agree otherwise. "Jonathan David" and "Loneliness of the Middle Distance Runner" are two of the best songs Belle & Sebastian released in the 2000s, and both are probably in my top 10 B&S songs overall. I also recognize that I'm out of lockstep with a lot of other fans

"A Serious Man" did a great job of showing the portentousness underneath "Somebody to Love."

Jackson Browne
In which alternate universe is Jackson Browne best known for contributing to Nico's first solo album?

Yes! How can there be no Bill Monroe/Flatt & Scruggs/Foggy Mountain Boys?