Laika Rollenstone

"you will reverse your concept of forests by 360 degrees"

The real outrage isn't that Trump's shamrock has the wrong number of leaves. It's that Trump is issuing a hat celebrating an immigrants' holiday — immigrants who were demonized at the time as job-stealers and persecuted for their religion — while cracking down on deporting undocumented immigrants and forbidding

Yep. That was the first role that popped into my head, followed by Angels in America and Broken Flowers. I guess the only scientist role I've seen him in was Source Code, and I didn't even remember he was in it. This article's title was a non sequitur.

"Hope? Not a Chance"

Scott Glenn was the original Clay.

I thought the concept and certain elements had the potential to be fascinating, but it seems like every choice Cronenberg makes in how to portray it is just wrongheaded. For example, a clinic catering to celebrity worshippers wouldn't be sterile and white with creepy, off-putting workers. It would probably look more

@avclub-83b7654fddf148d60683c553e61bf454:disqus eh, the "best comedy on TV, hands down" sounds like some sort of objective proclamation. Compare with Jen Kirkman, who confessed she hadn't seen too many movies this year but mentioned one she liked without asserting that it was therefore the best movie of the year.

@avclub-83b7654fddf148d60683c553e61bf454:disqus eh, the "best comedy on TV, hands down" sounds like some sort of objective proclamation. Compare with Jen Kirkman, who confessed she hadn't seen too many movies this year but mentioned one she liked without asserting that it was therefore the best movie of the year.

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus @avclub-b030afbb3a8af8fb0759241c97466ee4:disqus what I mean is, how does he "know" that Community is the best comedy on TV if he doesn't regularly watch TV? It would be like categorically stating that Lincoln is the best movie of 2012 if it's the only movie you've seen

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus @avclub-b030afbb3a8af8fb0759241c97466ee4:disqus what I mean is, how does he "know" that Community is the best comedy on TV if he doesn't regularly watch TV? It would be like categorically stating that Lincoln is the best movie of 2012 if it's the only movie you've seen

How can you say something is the "best comedy on TV" when you don't have a TV?

How can you say something is the "best comedy on TV" when you don't have a TV?

Fun fact: The Dead Weather's "The Difference Between Us" was Jack White's attempt at writing a Lady Gaga song.

Fun fact: The Dead Weather's "The Difference Between Us" was Jack White's attempt at writing a Lady Gaga song.

While we're issuing corrections, Kimberley Rew's name is misspelled.

While we're issuing corrections, Kimberley Rew's name is misspelled.

@leggomylegos Not unless you count Soupy Sales as a famous musician!