
Alriiiight already
before I've even ready everyone's posts directed toward me. What am I, the new Lobsters.

No, I was not being ironic, I hate movies and movie makers that sexually exploit women.

Unnecessary female nudity in Kubrick movies
The Shining
Eyes Wide Shut
Clockwork Orange

This might be too mean but
Hi Sean Lennon have you meet my friend Andy Dick. You two should totally hang out for a bit. Oh hey, here's some cocaine. Oh none for me, Thank you. I'm gonna go over there and talk to Dane Cook.

No PhD I'm just stupid.

I'll side with boombow on one thing
Kubrick sucks.

Oh and then Polanski
can drug Bret, sodomize him, and blame it all on his mother dying in the haulicost (sic).

And I don't know if anyone's said it yet, but
if Bret is a child, let Michael Jackson rape him and we will see how bad a rap he has.

"Those people"?
Brett do not blame black people for you. We already have enough trouble as it is with white people steal our shit all the time.

Doing africa stuff?

If you like whacky animation
I would suggest renting the animation show or looking for the animation shorts by Don Hertzfeldt. Funny and crudely drawn.

No, She wasn't talking about FG, cause its sooo different from the Simpsons.

Oh MAraduke
You silly dog. You can't fit in that car.

Tucker gives a great blow job, so get to practicing and you can get that payday to.

unless they're biting each other, how is that really hurting them? Hmm, I think I'll picture them biting each other, they can make an unfunny skit about it, and the creepy wife from the Mayor show could be involved some how, to add to the punishment. That's what I'll do.

girl, Man
Also, I guess that kinda wacky shit happens in a world where women don't get to grow up.

That Yu Mee set-up
that kinda sounds hilarious. I think I might have to watch this. What's wrong with me?

If you listen to two or three weezer
albums back to back they repeat a lot of guitar cords and drum…cords. I'm not in the know of the music word, but they had limited imagination.

yeah, captain planet
the only thing Whoopi Goldberg did that didn't make me want to smash her face into a plate of glass.

The red paper clip thing
is that about the guy who got a house from tracing with people, starting with only one red paper clip.