
if only to produce more candy columns
I think that the AV Club should travel around the world to test taste other candies. At least travel to England, Canada, and Australia seeing how they plus America are the only countries reading this site. I might be wrong, but I have only read those countries being referenced

Hey lady, Are they letting my dad out of prison
I loved the opener when Mac lights up at the thought of his father coming home.


Fuck the Police indeed
I saw something on T.V. about the song Fuck Tha Police. According to Dr. Dre, they were inspired to write the song after Eazy-E went on one of his drive-by shooting people with paint ball gun jags with the rest of the group. A cop stop NWA and stared to "harrass" them.

….and so on…

Oh what I meant by Peggy's anti-femenist personality is…
Other than her mentor-like relationship with the red head, I didn't see her talk to the other women, especially as she started to move up. That could be due to her social awkwardness and her relationship with Pete.

Peggy and feminism
From the scene in the recording studio I kind of got the feeling that Peggy was going to turn into one of those psuedo-femin-naziesque-types that likes that fact that she is moving up the rungs of the ladder but will be bitchy to other women.

I said it once and I'll says it again
I like Dane Cook. He's funny.

Who is buying these clothes?
I've seen their track jackets on many actors on television. The solid color, jersey knit, with a white stripe around the shoulder.

I almost bought one of those
"The sun is gone, but I have a light" shirts, phew, shithead-loser crisis averted.

thanks Sara for the urban dictionary link, now I know.

On a silly note (if you don't think my previous post was silly that is.)
A family friend took me on a The Wire tour around Baltimore. I saw the spot where those project towers were blown down; some hoppers; I found out that Stringer Bell is still alive, fat and has dreadlocks; and found out that the lesbian cop is

@ Anonymous
I would blame Ed Norris for scaring me more than The Wire. Roving gangs of teenagers who rob you, in the daytime, at the tourist downtown Baltimore Aquarium area. That and the rapes.

About the new female character set in New Orleans
Oy, we get it already! Katrina fuck up your lives, OMG. Stop with this shit. Now. there's that HBO show set in N.O. Ugh. Plus, K-Ville and The Black Family on Curb Your… Blah, Blah, Blah I don't care anymore.

Maybe it's because of K-ville
but meh. Doesn't sound as good, but what could meet the fantasticawlsomeness that is The Wire?

Also, I wonder how
long until they get their own reality show on MTV, conveniently accompanied with the arrival of the new baby and a new album by Ashlee?

He gave her other presents
every item from he fashion line, but especially designed so that the name of the line was plastered in large letters, followed by where to get your hands on said exquisite items.

remember, Tim Allen was in the hit (blugh, bl-ugh) Road Hogs(?).

@ caerpaej
less than ten minutes, damn that's fast.

Bee my friend, ha ha, it has a picture of a bee on it.
Two questions: