
I was kind of hoping
for Charlie and Dee's boyfriend to have some retard showdown. Missed opportunity < ;_ 0(

also on the trolls
It's kinda hard not to feed them. Look at them, with their doe eyes and hang dog expression. They're so cute. Let me just give em a turkey.

-Cutting: Blatant plugs for your own website that donât relate to the topic at hand.

Why did he cut one hand off?
To get rid of the DNA he left.

@ Fightinjustice
maybe it's a political conspiracy to hide the true meaning of what he was protesting.

I like LDOTD
Jesus: Get behind me Satan

I've done the silly firsties thing once, sorry to those who are annoyed by it, and have stopped.

@ not lisa 1
I was joking, maybe you should lighten up.

Whoa, whoa, whoa
Trent Reznor and who ever write Linkin Park songs for their bullshit sad, mad, glad rhyme scheme.

Hey, I think he's hot as well
can Sedhil talk to Masi about the stereotype thing, cause ugh do I want that character dead.

and to anyone disgusted by Hitchens bare, body
imagine that plucked chicken wiggling, flopping and gliding his chubby body and he feels the new and wonderful sensation of no friction.

You're very peculiar, always share rock culture with the black girls at your job. I don't know what to make of you or how to finish this post, so there.

unless you have a funny joke that ties directly to the article, and is served best to a reader before looking at any other comments, who gives a shit if you're first.

to further add to the child like behavior
if you dare to see her videos, her sexy look consists of looking sheepishly at the camera and kind of shrinking her neck, ya know, like in a child like pose. Then, she bats her eyes and looks away from the camera like she's shy.

the names vicki valentine
I'm thinkin' your life's fucked up already if you have a cartoon character name.

An a and a B-
are ya kidding me? I was pretty disappointed with both. The helicopter discussion was funny, but I would give that episode a B-. The Dee gets set on fire episode gets a C- for the obvious diaper time joke and unfunny Public Access news scenes (thought the close-ups of Macs face with the flash light

I guess the cheese stands alone
cause I liked Tough Crowd.

I feel some what sorry for
the people who like this song, and then scroll down to the comments section only to have their world torn asunder by the comments, ripping off Amelie's review mind you, trashing this song.

It seems as though tracy Morgan
hits on every female interviewer. I'm guessing Gillette kept that out. That and him mentioning how he's a freak and like to watch his wife in the bathroom, which I have heard him mention in interviews.

The first time I heard this song I was in a car with a group of thirteen year old girls. All doing the Soulja Boy dance in my car. I almost got into a car accident from laughing too hard.