
I love roeper
especially when he made Ebert uncomfortable by bringing up double standards in Hollywood about race.

they also shouldn't have counted on
someone who has been arrested for mistreating dogs. Keeping them locked in cages for days and not feeding them, because he was to busy doing drugs. Which I guess is bad ass.

What could be worst than Fallon or Dane Cook
Carson Daly.

@ Ad Homo mnm
Hey, Justin Long is cute, he definitely has the right to exist. Did you see Jeepers Creepers?

Though I like the thought of watching Conan an hour earlier
I wonder if the change in time slot might corrupt the funny.

so we losers should start posting in the reviews column now?

You come on
He is okay with original stories, but he is a one trick pony. Spiral designs and the dark gothic look, which he pretty much applies to everything. Hell, he tried to turn Superman into Edward Scissorhands when he was tied to the production. Depp and Tim need to step away from remakes of other peoples

Dammit, Black not lack
Ha ha ha.

how do these movies make money
when we all know lack people watch bootlegs?

I love Dark Shadows, and now this depressing news just upsets me. I hope Tim Burton isn't attached to this inevitable disaster. Man, he makes one good movie, Beetlejuice, and does well with the Batman franchise and thinks he's the remake king of cinema.

The Simpson stuff might be over
but FOTC quoting has started. I'm not complaining, I enjoy it and laughed at the two quote comments. I wonder if FOTC will get to a real quotes level.

Fuse and the other networks that will not be mentioned
A lot of videos that are on Fuse are not aired on MTV and vice-versa. I find it weird that Queens of the Stone Age's new video is not on Fuse. Aren't they trying to be cool? If the artists can only show a video on one channel than that's an even douchier move for

I love the show and interview
At first, I too, thought the show sucked in comparison to their stand up, but the writing or something has improved. After watching the last show I can't get the David Bowie scenes out of my head. Those jokes alone shows a change in the writing.

well what can you expect
all the popular songs on one cd. I guess that would rate high on the charts. Though, oddly enough, I don't know one person who owns one of those cd's.

Sounds positive
but I don't want to expect to much, so I'll simmer down now.

Smashing Pumpkins
I was a superfan back in the (which was a Wednesday, in case you didn't know) and would buy anything they released, but god damn if they don't suck now. I'll just use the money I save to buy some Git-R-Done beer.

The gerbil joke
made me laugh and cry.

I'll say this about the haters
I did not know about which writers were responsible for the funny and the sucky. So if yer gunna complain, mention some technical, fanboy facts or something.

The power puffs sucked after
they made the movie, so maybe The Simpsons will improve.

With all the things hating on pop culture. Everything cancels out everything else. No The Soup, Best Week Ever, The Hater, Morning radio, Wendy Williams, Perez Hilton, The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, and so on.