
the bart simpson gum
It came in this metal tube, and was yellow. The flavor was good, but only lasted for like ten seconds and then the gum started to break-up or dissolve.

the FG movie was a straight to DVD movie/first three episodes of one of their seasons.

I also find FG funny
and owe that show to learning about The Onion when it was referenced in a joke.

tapa tapa tapa..I'm ever so pissed
and that episode were Homer's jaw was wired shut and he used a Speak and Spell to communicate.

I guess the French Canadian thing was a joke that I was too much of a silly goose to pick up on.

and hating that.

two forms of hate
My hate for Amelie getting to see KITH.

-Canada brought us Steve Colbert, so I guess its okay for you to exist.

Oh, and if I can make a Howie Mandel request
as if Amelie even reads the message boards, but I am curious about his germaphobia behavior. And if Amelie is willing to test him on his neurosis. Though as a fellow OCDer, maybe that's just mean.

What's that show where people shout
"Big Money!" Its from the 70's. Is the logo inspired by those cartoons on that show?

the reason we enter late. Isolationism. If I recall, Europe was pissed because they all needed help with reconstruction and money. The Evil doers of the time owed us money for all the bombs we dropped on them (A-bombs and bullets don't grow on trees) so we helped so they would pay us back.

Jones, You shit me not.
Fair, I have not been to Canada. I will also admit the US needs some vast improvements. Maybe I should move to Canada; my full set of teeth have been getting in the way of my sex life.

That's the annoying thing about being a black teacher
all your black students use up your lotion. Dammit, if its winter time, I'm not sharing! Buy your own!

credit where credit is due
Beeline- I enjoyed your rant.

Health care- Canada's hospitals aren't that great. They don't not have as many of the expensive machines like cat scans and fancy stuff like that because the health care system does not have as much money as the US. If something was seriously wrong with you and you were in America, you would wait longer

Shampoo/ Conditioner
from my interaction with whites, they don't need moisturizer. At least not as much as blacks, because our hair and skin are drier.

Nickelback is from Canada.
and considered heavy metal.


The worst thing about the movie
is that most classic radio stations play the Aerosmith version of "That song I like but can't remember the name of" cause I don't listen to it. I like The Beatles version more, but its rarely played. Sigh.

Oops say instead of saw. The crack just wore off.