
Leeza Gibbons
was also good. She would have the usual silly shows, and then get serious and have shows about serial killers and all that CSI stuff before those shows were scattered through out the airwaves.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
*finger wave, neck swivel*

Yeah, what is it with shows that are funny when you watch them, but you pretty much have to force yourself to watch. Like Arrested Dev't and the Daily Show. What are they doing wrong?

Thanks Doms
and even some of the veteran comics seem annoyed that Ant is the one they have to impress. I guess he's taken one the Simon Cowell part.

feeling himself out in Thailand Ay?
He was insulted that night? Just him, huh?

the judges of last comic standing
I'm not sure if it was the first or second season, but there was a big shufuffle when Drew Carey and Bret Ratner were judges. It seems as though the people they voted for did not make it through, and the producers called all the shots. One of the producers was an agent for both Ant

Well Crunk is officially dead
I'm gonna look up cromulent.

Dude, take the advice from Savage love and get your girlfriend to make fun of you, don't post comments about your short comings in hopes that we will take part in your fetish.

Amelie, Amelie, Amelie
Hot Rods? MILDLY irritating? That movies looks like it will be the worse SNL movie of all time.

Sorry Chaimera

I know a girl named Charmera
Man, her mother must have hated her.

The furby tagline was funny
and kinda scary.

I was planing on skipping this album
At first I thought Interpol was great, artsy, and different from what was on the radio (contemporary radio not 80's radio) and quite intrigued by their sound.

The "I'm not a plastic bag" tote bag is an alternative to using plastic bags, which pollute the environment.

soory I meant smileandnod

i'm going to agree with smileyandnod
Smart people will get the satirical intent, and be disgusted by the displays of shameful behavior.

I'll be in my room.
oh, and worst full frontal nudity idea ever.

based on the title
I don't know where to start