
"I'm not a plastic Bag"
Now conserving can become trendy…yah!

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They AV Club changed their javascript or whatever computer thing that would result in this craziness.

What's with the Joss Stone popularity
did anyone buy her album, or even download a song? Pssh.

Oh wait the Punch and pie thing
was that from the movie, I guess so. I can't believe I forgot about the movie that brought "Uncle Fucker" into my life.

The NAMBLA episode (?) of South Park was a good example as well. Whenever I see an emoticon I think of Cartmen.

I use that site a lot, but it is incompatible with iPods, so you have to burn the songs on a CD and then import them to iTunes. Kind of a pain, but I get reward points so I guess I'm getting the songs for free, so I can't really complain.

More heavy on the telephone than the internet, but the one scene where Neve tried to get the police through the internet?

Holy Crap
So, if I had to make an assumption about these kids, they probably don't have much of a childhood if this is their "Disney"

and when the baby said "Hello hell" ahh the hilarity.

and when the baby said "Hello hell" ahh the hilarity.

Baby landlord was funnier
a little baby saying, "I want to get my drink on!" and "Where's my money, bitch!"

I guess I better start saving up.
Na, I love Oprah, but not $88 for bead work worth.

Thanks decal, I think it worked
Now, when Lisa1 posts a stupid comment, I can't blame it on anyone else (if the registration thing worked).