
Miguel Ehrmantrucha?? Genius.

Joselito Rosado.

How much of a dick was Dick this episode?

A comfortable amount I'd say. It was to be called Rampart and was inspired by that scandal.

Stan gotta die.

I did like this… but it was cheesy.

@Hubert J. Simpson I agree, it happens, but it happened to both at the same time. And it was not like the guy was not giving Cooper reason to be alert.

The Shield is excellent.

Good point, this might have been the weak point of this breathtaking episode. Would the Cooper we know just give his back to the perp like that?

Would that be the same Gilligan that talked about a series "not overstaying its welcome"? But this sounds like vapourware anyway.

Good point.

This episode was a bit heavy-handed. Ben sending someone for the tape AND using the banger brother? Too much, too dumb. And once again, Lydia with the motherhood cases…

It is one of my pet peeves how movies so many times end 5, 10 or 60 minutes after they should. The baby in Russia was more than enough.

TWD scores are way too high… and the Fs for The Following also.


Dead: Showrunner of the week

Indeed. Having a lesser actress play Lydia would show how lazy/repetitive the writing for her is, but she shines anyway.

"Laurie Holden's no Sigourney Weaver"

Andrea, brutally tortured for days, months, DECADES!

Agree with much of the review, excellent episode indeed. But I think that both the "hints" about the drug dealer and the identity of who was calling Sherman at the bar were very predictable.