
I was with you until "Ava and Boyd live happily ever after". That's too much.

I'm afraid you're right… My brain was thankful that Rick was ignoring the Michonne offer as bullshit, but then he's not, OR IS HE???

It's about the how well the characters are fleshed-out… I could never care as much for Jax as I did for Vic, 3-letter names and all.

I started watching SOA because of the Shield connection, but from the very start I felt it was not on the same level.

I actually forgot why Drew McGuffin Thompson needs to be found.

I say Bunk (drunk) replaces Hershel as the voice of wisdom.

I did, actually!

They should find more intelligent ways to hit our heads with Lydia's motherhood instead of it being the focus of every. single. case. she gets.

Indeed. I think both Southland and Justified became better shows than when they started.

@Spencer Hastings It's not, but what the hell. There is more thinking in writing one of those recaps than in 6 episodes of the series.

Dangerous path, friendo. You will hate yourself for watching… but might not be able to avoid looking at the trainwreck every week.

They actually do: each dead human becomes a zombie.