
Come on nerdballs, I respect you… but a $20 missing without barely opening the money bag?

Only (crazy) flaw of this episode was a nervous Price counting the money that quick and noticing… $20 missing?? Reminded me of Mike tying Walt to the radiator, another exceptional moment of sloppiness from Gilligan and crew.

Come on. As we now know, Cranston would never consider taking part in anything less than top quality.

Well, she earned it!

Also here a huge fan of The Shield's finale, managed to give closure and yet be open-ended. Just flawless. My top 2 finales are TS and Sopranos, by the way.

Some of us called it last week, and I'm still on that train.

I thought the speech of Golden Heart Prison Ava was so ridiculous that it meant she would die soon. The following conversations with Raylan made me believe it even more.

You will. Or else.

It would be very interesting if it were Kendal indeed.


Fuckfuckfuck. Fuckfuckfuck.

I was thinking that as well. Would be a nice twist, but it did seem Kendal's confession was scripted.

Compared to WHAT?

The scenario that terrifies me is they get YK quickly, Hart gets the wife back and Cohle gets… a haircut.

Not Cranston-level at all, but not even Cranston is Cranston-level outside of Breaking Bad.

And as he already did the shit movies, the future looks bright!

They don't need it.

Well, I took the "big ass dick" thing to be a reference to The Wire, as well as the "shieeet" from this episode… but I am taking that too far.

"After a while, one thing becomes clear: The case, such as it is, isn’t the point"

Honestly, as much as I love Cranston in BB, didn't like anything he did in movies since.