
My favorite Samm Levine moment is from a guest turn he had "That 70's Show". Red asks his character if he has any friends and he snaps back, "Friends are for the weak."

For me, Christmas is like being a kid only to the extent that it reminds me how much my spirit has degraded since then. It's a subdued ritual where adult brothers who don't really understand one another mutter muted "thanks" while not attempting eye contact. No cool toys, this ain't the '90s and there are no grandkids

I tutored an eight-grader in geometry and it went well. His mother was really grateful and it was a fulfilling experience, all the more so since it was hastily agreed to while I was waiting for the novocaine to kick in and making small-talk with my dental hygienist.

Aw man this is b.s. I have to wait until 2015 to dance around the maypole with AVC friend codes or be stuck with a lesser console.

Do you know what to do with the clock tower with the colored hands? I accidentally triggered a cube through aimless spinning and so didn't learn the lesson needed to trigger the remaining cube on the same screen.

Then they'll wish they'd stayed in touch after Haddie joins ISIS.

I just ordered 3D Dot Game Heroes, Red Dead Redemption, and Catherine on Amazon based on everyone's recommendations. Thanks guys! My PS3 library has consisted solely of GTA V and The Last of Us for too long, so this'll be a good time.

I wish I'd had more breakups by this point in my life. As it is, I just have the one, and it made me miserable for over a year but it was invaluable character growth. Also, each breakup gets you an ex-girlfriend to add to your romantic history, and simply having a romantic history enhances your viability in the eyes

I'm having buyer's remorse on the guy we chose as our new roommate and he hasn't even moved in yet. He seems responsible and communicative, but he has an ugly beard and an irritating enthusiasm for life. I'll probably acclimate to his presence over time, and I got myself into this by being too polite to reject a

Together is probably my favorite NP album. I think it has Bejar's best ever contributions to the band: "Silver Jenny Dollar" and "If You Can't See My Mirrors". What's your knock against it?

I have two roommates who I really liked having around that are moving out by the end of this month. They've been here for two years but they're progressing to another stage of their lives which reminds me that I'm not (won't? can't?).

I definitely understand the fear of having to start at the bottom again (in seniority, expertise, and salary) after switching careers. It's not a wholly illegitimate worry, but it can be unproductive to treat it like a deal-breaker. How many potentially fulfilling career options have I dismissed outright because I'd

Could be, what's your story?

I've begun seriously considering an open-ended traveling spree after I leave my current job in a few months: Europe, areas of the U.S. I've never been to, maybe more Europe, Scandinavia.

Fully functional Gronk, healthy big fat Wilfork, two new star cornerbacks, and uh.. running back by committee! Definitely anticipating a more fun year from the Pats than last.

I don't think Jason's irredeemable. There was a time when he couldn't turn off his selfish, manipulative instinct, but he's become aware of that aspect of himself and struggled (on occasion) to rise above it. When he makes the effort to do right by people, he can be kind and sweet. Ryan Kwanten's performance goes a

Grouper - Invisible
Blur - No Distance Left to Run
Low - Just Make it Stop
The Smashing Pumpkins - Shame
Elliott Smith - A Passing Feeling

That reminds me of the earliest memory I have of pre-meditated lying. I was a middle-schooler and I was walking with my friend around town, but I had an appointment with my therapist soon, so I told him I had some errands to run - see ya, and walked away a couple blocks towards the office where I needed to be. I

The Breeders - Doe
Blur - Country Sad Ballad Man
The Smashing Pumpkins - Thirty-Three
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
The Smashing Pumpkins - The Crying Tree of Mercury

One of the songs was "Rooftop" by Sleep Over.