
Slight Mac-related tangent: I currently have a 2009 MacBook
Pro with a graphics card that barely runs League of Legends and Portal 2 on medium settings, but stuff like Quantum Conundrum and Gone Home is unplayable due to the horrible framerate.

Sam was on a small team of thieves. After one of the heists, his compatriots tried to rip him off at gunpoint and they got killed in the ensuing struggle. He went on the run after that and somehow landed in Bontemps.

Depending on when the traitor neighbor was fired, he could've had a copy of the completed BIOS.

The Emperor Chang plot was probably too much spectacle in a season that had already seen the school trashed through the pillow/blanket battle. But… I thought Emperor Chang himself was hilarious. His birthday toast to the twin sister he consumed in the womb was priceless, as was the Darth Maul-style stun baton.

Mac DeMarco - "Passing Out Pieces"/"Chamber of Reflection"
Cheatahs - "The Swan"/"IV"
Kevin Drew - "You in Your Were"
Cloud Nothings - "I'm Not Part of Me"
War on Drugs - "Red Eyes"

The penguin looked like it was weighted so that it would automatically re-orient itself after you punch it, so you can whale all you want on this inert thing and it will stand back up as if there'd been no effect. Contrast that with the tree, which you can chop away at and actually leave a mark (and finally knock

It was Vee's pitch to Black Cindy that made me realize how simple it would've been for her to bring someone like me on board with her operation. It's almost like she has every character's flashback on tape.

I suspect Joe's latest scar backstory is also fabricated. While he was over at Donna's, he started telling an anecdote that began the same way ("My mother used to take me up onto the roof…") but was cut off before he could continue. It's like the hurricane had inspired a new piece of backstory color he could spin a

I'm sorry, that blows.

Inevitability thread

I used to get annoyed by Tara's mom but her theatrical outpourings of regret and desperation have grown on me.

The show found a way to immediately get me invested in finding a cure for Hep V.

I'm a decent software developer but Cameron would've summarily fired me in that scene towards the end. I like to puzzle through a video game on its own terms, sue me. I'm also not the most motivated coder though, so maybe it'd be for the best.

Gordon and his wife used to work closely as a team, and for all we know their personal/romantic bond spun off of that. It's a process that could theoretically repeat itself, and maybe Gordon doesn't trust himself not to go down that road with Cameron - or he doesn't trust his wife to trust him and that's why he

Nothing in this show has brought me down like the death of Ros. Oberyn is a strong contender in the tragedy sweepstakes, but Ros didn't do much to deserve what she got, and she was one of the most watchable actresses on the show.

It would be a step up from the dancing baby I already associate it with - practically a cleansing.

Maybe he's the one who bought out Gleason?

The next James Bond movie, "Eight is Not Enough", is planning on addressing that complication head-on.

Good catch on the musical cue. I was thrown by the butt-kick for an instant because I thought, "Why would Amia do that!?"

I think Louie's handling Jane just fine. There's no need to send her to a psychiatrist because she acted out in school or she went on an extended flight of the imagination at an inappropriate time. However alarming that behavior is to an adult, she's just exploring boundaries the way a kid would do. She got