
when you someone eat it
we all someone ate it too

Ben Stiller says it in Greenberg, I think.

I began Skyrim after the election and have put 150+ hours into it since. Sansa recently joined the empire's side in the civil war, taking the oath while wearing the robes she stole off the emperor.

A better definition of insanity is winning the popular vote.

My best working theory is that quarterback play has a heavy context-dependent element in ways that haven't been statistically measured. When is the defensive line or pass-rush gassed? When is the opposing coach starting to become more predictable in his play-calling? When is the opposing coach becoming less

Fair point that the shoe is on the other foot, partisan-wise. However, one of the presidential-elects in your comparison proclaimed he was going to do most of the stuff people are afraid of while the other hadn't.

I don't know how you think malformed dog breeds come into being except by the monetary benefit the breeders get from owners desiring and purchasing them. The breeders are driven by consumer behavior. Adoption is fine, but any sort of payment for the dog does encourage more down the line.

Being Canadian is kind of a wild card.

Love this game, been playing since July and haven't spent a dime on it. Maybe that's why my rank flatlines at 20 most of the time, but there's nothing like the feeling of opening a new deck. I basically play just to earn enough coin to get new cards and re-arrange my decks.

I've been trying to think about how to explain the premise of this show to other people, and the best I've been able to come up with is it's a fixer-upper reality show hosted by a younger Michael Scott.

The red zone sack taken away by defensive holding was the worst penalty call I've seen in recent memory. I won't forget the way Collinsworth & Michaels watched the replay twice in near silence as they struggled to justify the referee's decision. Call me naive for realizing this so belatedly, but NFL broadcasters must

Bojack Horseman, Joni Mitchell "For the Roses", Bruce Springsteen "Darkness on the Edge of Town", Nathan For You, Tame Impala "Lonerism", Fallout 3. I liked all these things.

Saint-Saëns has always been a favorite of mine. Very soothing to me as a child. Also the basis for the song that Farmer Hogget used to help Babe through PTSD. Then it appears a bit in the soundtrack for "Days of Heaven" by Malick.

I like the Triple Threat idea because it acknowledges the way delivery pizza is plopped on the counter and taking up space that could be used for chips and dip at your house shindig. Like those architects who first realized they could save on real estate by building skyscrapers, Pizza Hut is thinking in the third

I thought so too at the time, but the Bills DB who was chasing Amendola pulled up in his stride when he heard the whistle, and that's what created the separation which made it appear Amendola had a clear shot to the endzone. Absent the blown whistle, I think the DB would've maintained his momentum and made a tackle.

Your analysis falls apart when you look at the details of what Joan actually said. Where would she send her 4-year-old away to, a boarding school? Vietnam? The patently unrealistic aspect of her "decision" is one of the major tells that she was being sarcastic. She doesn't lean into the sarcasm with the tone of her

I think Don is saying with the check, "I know you need to hurt me, and I owe you the opportunity to do so. I'd just rather you not do it by bleeding me through a long process, and in your heart you know it's healthier for yourself not do that. You know that it's not easy for me to give away $1 million, so you know

That 19-inning game last night must've taken a toll on your faculties.

He brought some baggles along with the cake, just in case.

Honestly, ghost women are all I ultimately want from life.