
That's the wrong way to look at it. The B+ is more a testament to Mad Men's high ceiling of quality than how much it's taken for granted. If this one was an A, then we'd have to invent some letter before A for the upcoming episodes. Trust the curve.

The best thing about the warped floor line is that my mind can't settle on a conclusion for how exactly it's affecting the cats' behavior. Are they huddling in the spot on the floor with the highest elevation, or are they just flopping and sliding until they are channeled to the same natural endpoint?

This was the first moment in the series where I had to pause the Netflix stream and just drink in what I was seeing. I don't know how the costume designers held it together while making something that hilariously dilapidated.

I don't get to see my family's young Bengal that often, but this past weekend I got to pick him up and hold him like a baby for a couple minutes and he purred and didn't try to wriggle away. My mother remarked that he never lets anyone do that with him for that long. I think he might've enjoyed the texture of my

To be honest, good for the other teams in the AFC East. It's nice when the Pats win 13-14 games a year, but it doesn't sit well with me when those Jets/Bills/Dolphins games feel like gimmes. It can only burnish Belichick and Brady's legacy to play in a competitive division for a change.

Ran out of Saga, weed, optimism.

I recognized this guy in the screenshot above from Jodorowsky's Dune. He was a frequent talking head in that documentary, but he had nothing to do with the failed Dune production, so I was puzzled as to why they kept cutting back to him. Now I know it's because he had his own passion project get shafted and could

"… then my name isn't Bard… Mereidth… Belvins"
"You spelled your whole name wrong!"

You've definitely hit on something with your last line. In popular culture, the woman in a relationship is disproportionately depicted as the needy and demanding partner that the man has to react to and deflect, and this is just assumed among the characters to be the natural order of things. I always wondered, is this

I'm not sure she takes Oleg seriously enough to be wholly suspicious of him. Do others in the Rezidentura respect Oleg as much as Arkady does? I'd expect them to view him much the way the audience did when he was first introduced: a pampered, caddish son of a powerful man back in Russia with enough science/tech

I think Philip and Elizabeth just type their clients' info into Orbitz and that frees up most of their day. With the "-tz" ending, you know it was developed by the KGB.

You go to the local SPCA and ask for a dog willing to sell out its country for the chance to go for a walk, and the lady at the desk will just let you go into the back and take your pick of any tail-wagging dim bulb.

Most of here are in agreement that it's the woman's final decision, but couldn't Mimi-Rose have informed Adam about the pregnancy and what she was going to do about it?

It would go a long way for Aaron to have some people throwing up a peace sign in at least one of those pictures instead of making it look like a ghost town after you showed up and murdered all the ghosts.

NCIS: BARK.. BARK.. BARK.. whiiiiiine… BARK BARK

Some say morality is binary…1s and 0s… but really, it's hexadecimal.

My heart goes out to Nina in her final scene of the episode. She faked that nightmare to induce sympathy from her cellmate, but it worked almost too well. That embrace was so startlingly genuine and kind that Nina must now realize she could have this girl as a true friend, someone else at rock bottom who accepts her -

All units converge, we have visual contact on suspects in the vehicle… negative, they're a couple of jack-o-lanterns.

I always knew Hank would never find out Walt was Heisenberg, so Breaking Bad was mostly a snooze.

Foolishly read the "Hooray this shit!" thread instead of collapsing it and now I have a thousand yard stare, which is tough for my job because the computer screen is only a couple feet away. References to human affection should be accompanied by a trigger warning.