
In terms of the "one perfect pitch" the two come up with, Don and Peggy do a much better job in this episode than whatever Don came up with in the "The Suitcase". His idea was to cash in on the Muhammed Ali upset win by depicting a Samsonite suitcase plopped in the boxing ring. I still can't figure out if the audience

Everything I hear about Nietzsche makes me think I'm aligned with his philosophy and sensibility. At some point I have to admit that I'm doing myself a disservice by not having read anything by him.

Someone needs to get on base before Big Papi. I have him on my fantasy team so I'm happy when he hits all those dingers, but I'd be happier if he racked up more than 1 RBI for each one. All those solo HRs are existentially bittersweet.

Yes, and I don't think the speech was totally about how it's easier for men to be fat - it's that they frequently lack empathy for the women with the same issues. There's a broader social phenomenon being referenced: insecure people are more likely to sell eachother out in order to prove that they're above someone

Didn't he hold up Bob Dylan as an example of a genius? That was kind of a curveball from square old Lou.

It's having your family motto changed to "always squelch".

Ghost has always been kind of aloof. In season 2, he followed Mormont's expedition to the Fist of the First Men from a distance, leaving Jon's sight for long periods. In season 3, he basically went on a dog walkabout while Jon was embedded with the Wildlings.

And Bronn sorted out the argument to opposite effect against the armored knight at the Eyrie. The optimal strategy is to act circumstantially and press your advantage.

Ha! Me and my friend had a half hour discussion after the episode about this exact question. I assumed the Crown was taxing the citizens directly, but he thought it'd be more feasible to tax the lords of Westeros, who in turn tax their serfs. But that would mean Lord Tywin, as head of house Lannister, is paying taxes

Lysa: 'Man and wife'. Say 'man and wife'.

A large part of the continent is (Gobi-like) desert that only the Dothraki hordes can traverse without dying of starvation because they have horses. She could conquer/ally with the Dothraki, but doesn't seem like a trivial exercise - no matter how vehemently she proclaims herself Khaleesi. Westeros, on the other hand,

It wouldn't take much to turn the opening credits sequence into one of those old iPod commercials.

It's a neat reversal of a line Duck had said about Don in season 2, "We
pull down the branch, he picks the fruit." Duck was sore at the prestige
Don commanded around the office for essentially closing sales that
others had hauled to his doorstep. Now, Don's the guy pulling a branch
down for somebody, but nobody

In the spin cycle?

Being up-front about your interests and activities isn't so tough, but there are other things about yourself that you can't seamlessly work into an online profile, like inner turmoil or deep dissatisfaction with a life situation. I'm not sure honesty and a healthy dating life are simultaneously achievable for everyone.

Erik Bedard is an erstwhile fantasy baseball siren because of his low ERA and decent strikeout rate, but he's incapable of pitching efficiently and will hit the DL at the drop of a hat. He and Dice-K are the pitchers who demonstrated to me the value of eating up innings - both to a fantasy team (for accruing wins and

Joan's had a reason to be mad at Don since he unilaterally fired Jaguar last season. The firm was also about to go public, setting her family up financially for the foreseeable future.

I'd consider them separated; Don no longer has the ability to swoop in and make things better with her with words ("I want things to be okay again"). I think the fact that Megan takes his call in the first place means a part of her is open to reconciliation, but he has to find some way to prove that he's worth being

I can't imagine getting any legitimate shopping done while "Intergalactic" is playing - just a lot of prancing up and down the cat food aisle.

Captain America 1 - I've heard so much good buzz about the Captain America sequel that I decided I needed to see it, but in order to do that I had to watch the first movie from 2011. It ticked through a hilarious number of action movie tropes, but was relatively well-paced and rarely boring, like the script had been