
There are conflicting hierarchies at SC&P that all assert themselves circumstantially. There's the actual org chart that would list Joan as a partner - ranking only below Roger, Bert, Ted, and J. Cutler; there's also seniority of account-managing experience that Joan bucked (to Pete's major chagrin) in order to reel

I consider your comment to be some next-level coincidence since I had the same experience. I got "Odessey and Oracle" on Record Store Day, too. Right after last night's Mad Men, I played it for the first time and got a deja-vu vibe from one of the tracks - the one I now realize was playing over the episode's credits.

She's saying people should be allowed to fail in their wacky endeavors on their own terms. In the immediate context, she's talking about the Greendale founder's obsession with creating an empathic female AI. She's also abdicating her right to judge Jeff and Britta for rushing into marriage.

Yeah, Melissandre's gone back to basics so far this season. I was intrigued in the season 3 finale when she unexpectedly had Ser Davos's back against Stannis's order to execute him and his warning about the impending full-scale assault on the Wall. There's no one else who could've steered Stannis on a dime to forget

Ooh, the Marie Calendar pie!

I think the dwarf fight gave insight into the story Joffrey has been trying to sell about his contributions at Blackwater. The Joffrey-dwarf fires an arrow (which Bronn did in actuality) at the Stannis-dwarf to "ignite" some wildfire springy-snakes. If I were one of those gawping royal hangers-on who loiters at court

Well if you hadn't gotten involved with that girl in the first place, would you have ended up knowing what you know now, with the perspective to look back on all that and say, "that was stupid of me"? You would still be stupid but never know it. I would argue that that is truly "beyond stupid".

My Drew-sympathy meter was entirely drained by his scene in the study hall. It starts out with him in drown-out-the-world headphones, like everyone else is interfering him with his getting work done. Then Drew seizes on the first opportunity provided to bring the whole room into his and Natalie's melodrama via

I am looking for the nuclear wessels. Nu-cle-ar… wessels.

Imagine the exhilaration of beating a lie detector with one afternoon of training and your life on the line. Who else could Nina spike the football with other than Oleg?

They look like the Blue Man Group ran out of paint.

I'm grateful that I've never attempted to pronounce Hüsker Dü before because how Ben said it (which I'm assuming to be canonical) was not intuitive.

Joel.. what a doofus. "Guh-hey! I care again!"

Radiohead. It's gotten to the point where I would be equally unsurprised if they went on indefinite hiatus or sprung a new (undersized) LP on us.

Adrian Tomine's Optic Nerve. Thanks for the pamphlet every three years!

I really wish bands would stop touring once they've built up a sustainable fan base. They could still play the sporadic show to scratch their performance itch but focus the majority of their time on recording new material. I want more music, faster; sue me.

A DVR would be just another inbox in my life for things to pile up in. I don't need another unceasing deluge when I'm barely keeping up with the most current New Yorker.

Reasons I watch shows live:
- big screen TV is downstairs which gets me out of my room; comfy couches, closer to kitchen snacks
- allows roommate(s) to potentially join experience spontaneously
- feel vague sense of connection with outside world during initial broadcast
- saves me the bandwidth of having to download the

"Champagne Supernova" Oasis
"Truss Me" Lower Dens
"(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?" Elvis Costello & the Attractions
"New Year's Kiss" Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
"Embrace" Low

I think most people get the show, and therein lies their disappointment.