
How did you manage to get the bank to eat that much? That sounds like a real coup, given the circumstances.

That's true, eventually I will need to have my own land for the cat menagerie.

To be fair, casual players can also refer to ultimate frisbee as "ultimate".

You had me at "Speaking of lampreys," so you didn't have to psych yourself out like that.

Having Kristen Wiig bookend the sketch was a great choice. I love her blank stare afterwards that says, "I regret having not vetted this video clip some high school kids sent me."

Go to hell you old bastard.

I'm thankful for every chuckle.

You're the one with no clothes.

If he's living out his dream, wouldn't Pam be happy to hear that over the phone? The most likely explanation is that he knows on some level that he's getting away with something and wants to keep it that way.

Two documentary camera crews: one in a light prop boat to follow the hapless Halperts as they get dragged out to sea by the rip currents; another in scuba gear with underwater filming equipment to catalog Jim and Pam's descent as they desperately flail and claw for a foothold on the other's body, abandoning all

Wouldn't there still be charges filed against Kit for murdering his own attorney in his prison escape?

How do you like dem inadmissible apples?

I doubt Spielberg feels he's had anything to prove to the academy for a while.

That's what bugged me the most about "Drive". Gosling's was non-acting to the point where the movie practically required me to make up his character's back-story in my head just to make sense of what was motivating him. I do think the guy can act really well ("Blue Valentine") if the director asks for it.

Apart from the target practice on the cans, I was irritated by how cavalier all the characters acted with the rifles. I couldn't be around someone anymore if they fired randomly into the air or swung a loaded gun in my face because they'd have severe issues with their judgment faculties and/or respect for human life.

I feel so much better after throwing up into the fire.

I'm gladder in my bladder.

Or "Modern Love", "Heroes"… not that it entirely matters how emotionally direct Bowie is in his songs compared to the emotions he's capable of eliciting through them (often via clever personae).

For the sake of posterity, I won't redact my comment about hugging, but I kind of wish I could. This early part of season 2 was the peak of my sympathy with the Carrie character, and she's all but squandered it since. I'd rather reserve my hugs for someone who wouldn't lie to my face or sell me out without a second

For the sake of posterity, I won't redact my comment about hugging, but I kind of wish I could. This early part of season 2 was the peak of my sympathy with the Carrie character, and she's all but squandered it since. I'd rather reserve my hugs for someone who wouldn't lie to my face or sell me out without a second