The Ghost of Russ Meyer


agreed on the x-acto knife!

Tuco's Ranch?
It might have been just me, but, I wonder if Mike is taking Jessie to Tuco's ranch? In the preview there's an aerial shot of Mike with the shovel. Sorta reminded me of Tuco's place. Wonder if Tuco was connected to Gus somehow, plus, Mike asked Jessie that question with a bit of "you've been here

But more of a B+ for me. That first song is pretty infectious, and, I find myself stomping my foot to the beat in my head throughout the day. I like the concept too…old timey vs NYC as the backdrop vs somewhere like Kentucky.

I'm sure this has been discussed before
but this is the weakest, most scrubby season yet. I mean…smoked halibut as space food? Braised short-ribs? Brains people…you can has them.

Do you think there was really a chemical leak?
I almost feel like Mike the Cleaner really just wanted Walter to shut up and get down there.

Where is the LaLa Player?
One of my most favoritest things about Tuesday was being able to sample the music…where did the lala player(s) go?

Holy shit
That was some damn good television.Excellent write up too. I'm speechless…I'm without speech!!

@the visible man

You need to diversify your bonds nigga
I echo the sentiment regarding the Liquid Swords album…I'm sorry, but, it doesn't get any better than GZA's flow on Liquid Swords title track of the same name. DAYUM!

Here in CO, we had a tornado warning pop up on the screen from the National Weather Service, so, we completely missed what happened between when Widmore walked into the closet, and, Locke sitting down with Ben.

For realz yo. Nerdy McNerd you tha bomb

Didn't Gilligan already say this is the last season (on Fresh air)?

I'm sorry…what did Sayid say again? I forgot!

Closing the loop
I feel like there is some sort of "loop" waiting to be closed…right? I mean, I see some sort of parallels between the sideways flash & the island. People are doing and saying things off island that are in essence parallels of what is going on, on the island. I get it. I feel like a character has to

Sad day
These guys put out some solid albums. But I have to agree with Hey Everybody. Since 9th left, the production has gone south. That does not detract in any way though from their abilities to write some solid rhymes and drop some serious science.

Yes that is right too! Just hit me that everytime they see him, he just gets older. Maybe if he doesn't hurry enough, Jacob will just come back as an adult.

Someone posted a comment about the issue of Widmore/Locke being hurried faster than they'd like.

Cabin exploding? I totally missed that. If it's a deleted scene…I wonder if it was on a DVD that we just missed that bonus feature. I really had no idea.

Me too about the fence! I started screaming at the TV…No wait the fence is still on!!!!! Then…phew.