The Ghost of Russ Meyer

The one story line…
that, to me, is still just completely ridiculous is Claire's.

Room 23
It looked like it could've been a scene from Saw or something! Scarey!

I thought I heard the same thing…I was like..wait, what!?

This is a pretty fun record. Recommend it!

Gotcha thanks. I remember hearing it, but, not paying attention to it too much.

The Smoke Monster is hungry and it's time to eat
Last night's episode confused me a bit…So…the smoke monster ate Richard's wife. Have we ever figured out why the hell he "eats" certain people and not others? I realize it has been debated/discussed that the smoke monster approaches people, and judges them on their

Link between turning the wheel
and the turning of the mirror?

It's not too bad
Wal Mart Parking lot & BFF are the stand out tracks for me on this one. It's definitely an up and down sorta album, but, it makes some great background music. It's mellower than other albums of theirs as a whole, but, still delivers. I agree on the grade. Not much new here, but, good enough to take

I'm leaning towards this. The final episode is called "Everyone Loves Hurley" or something like that. Dunno…could be a trick too.

Dear Olivia
You are hot. I like you. We should go out for pizza and soda.

^^beat me to it.

great review line…
"bold sonic experiment from a pop icon for whom quality control is as foreign a concept as sobriety and self-restraint."

fuggin' a
I wish my boss would go undercover and see just how fucking bored I am. They could read all the AVClub posts and surf the web for Lost spoilers all day like I do. Only problem is, I couldn't talk shit to his face, only cuz I know what the mofo looks like.


Didn't have time to read all the comments (I'll do that later today when I'm bored at work), but, the way I see it is all the characters are going to die in the Alterna-reality Lost. Only then, will they be truley free in the present. Granted, it's the first episode, but, Sayid walked off the plane and was