The Ghost of Russ Meyer

YES!!! DUH….totally missed that. Excellent analysis.

I somehow missed the scene where Gus sees Nacho grab the pills…can someone remind me where it is?! I just re watched the scene, and the only hint I get is when Nacho hands the paramedic the pills, but Gus gives him the "stare".

Any good thrash recs?

Maybe I missed it, but can someone explain why Elizabeth is buddying up with Young-hee? I assume it's to get to someone, but who?

These guys, still? Ugh

That Skinner/Chalmers episode has all kinds of winners.


My favorite part of the Nash Rickey sketch was the way he walked…totally nailed it. I swore it was Vince Neil!! Love this show.

Really? No Danny Brown review?

Bald Bald?

I thought Jack noticed Jesse behind the headrest of the passenger's seat? Pretty sure he knows he's there.

Illinois Nazis…pssssht….I HATE Illinois Nazis

Agree with this. Walt is going back (according to Gilligan) to "save" someone.

I felt like I was going to throw up when this ended. I couldn't sleep either.

Walt & Jesse have a baby?

The drummer is phenom


I think Saul delivered it in the form of a milk shake (probably blended the berries up) when he brought the cash to Andrea.

I think Saul delivered it in the form of a milk shake (probably blended the berries up) when he brought the cash to Andrea.