Mayor McZombie

I could swear his name is Tony Iommi, not Tommy.

The whole Kenneth storyline was a sendup of the plot of the first episode of Studio 60. I think some of the dialog was verbatim.

I just think every metal album should be Reign in Blood or it should not be. 

I'm cool with that.

I hate your taste in metal. 

You keep using this word "glorious."  I do not think it means what you think it means.

Adult Swim would be fantastic if it stopped fucking airing all the Seth MacFarlane bullshit all of the time, and King of the Goddamned Hill in 19 hour blocks.  Holy shit.  A little of all that bullshit goes a long goddamned way.  It's sadistic how much that shit is on.  I hope MacFarlane's trachea fucking falls out. 

These songs would be fine if not for the weird off-key spoken word thing Lou Reed is doing.  The lyrics actually work thematically, but they aren't lyrics.  It's just free-form poetry.  Honestly I kind of like it for what it is, but this is like a one-off listen - I couldn't listen to this album more than once "waggle

Outsourced kind of grew on me, I have to admit.

Eh, I thought this was a weak episode, and kind of mean spirited in a way that community usually isn't. 

This sounds like Lou Reed didn't make any effort to make sure his meter went along with the music.  It sounds like this was done in one take.  The song has moments where it comes together and it sounds good, but then it tumbles back into this weird spoken-word dissonance.  I don't hate it, but I can't imagine wanting

What the fuck is with the stanzas here?

I bet you're a fat chick…

Come on!
Obviously, the correct answer to this question is "2112" by Rush.

Adam Savage
Next time, change all the I's to We's and cough and spit and pluralize random words, and add some "precious" and your little act will have three heats instead of the none it currently has. Fuckin details: how does it works, precious?

This is the worst word in the world:
"Oftentimes." Why do people insist on using it?

The Assassin
Seemed to me like he was a patsy from the get-go, because the Eunuch and the other guy set the whole thing up, and their goal is to bring Danaerys to the throne maybe, so why would they want to kill her? They would just want to show an obvious scheme that would cause Khol to want to invade.

Switched at Birth
I think that show Switched at Birth is a remake of a Korean drama called "Autumn Fairy," and if so, well, I wasn't a fan… Just imagine a series entirely composed of false hopes and gut punches. A series that plays like the last third of Million Dollar Baby for 22 episodes or whatever. Yeah.

The entire subplot was a hallucination in the moment before he arm wrestled Judah Freidlander.

I've become a reluctant outsourced apologist, but this week's episode was bad even by those standards.