Mayor McZombie

Look, if you liked "Soldier," then I don't value your taste.

Maybe scope isn't important in terms of story quality.

You can't keep describing shitty movies as "underrated." Soldier is a piece of shit, and if it's comparable to this movie, then that's damning praise.


This movie sucks so much.

It's kind of becoming that way, actually. And it's not the liberals who are to blame.

James Patterson doesn't write his own books either.

I thought this episode was painfully trite with the dumb funeral. This episode was total paint-by-numbers, get to where the plot is going crap. I mean, there's a crazy brutal vampire prison break going on that the writers/director seem bored to death with and they're cross-cutting it to a memorium of a character that

Alright there, Potatohead.

Oh I hope you didn't get the impression that I wasn't trying to be condescending. Thanks for the fucking pro-tip, though.

Not that they haven't REALLY thought about it, man, but that no matter how MUCH they think about it, they still won't really comprehend why it's so brilliant. You want it one way, but it's the other.

Oh my God, there's differing opinions out there? Thank you for fucking enlightening me! Basically, I'm trying to say that if you didn't like it, your opinions and mine diverge to the point where you just kind of suck.

What are you, retarded? This is the worst.

While I understand the problems some people had with it, I think the fourth season should be regarded as an unqualified work of genius.

Yo, this movie blows.

Pantera is the best on a treadmill. You'll turn that shit up to 9. 10. 11. You'll be sprinting on that fucker. The gym will be in awe.

I started with …And Justice For All, and I turned out fine. Besides, Dyers Eve might be the best thrash song ever.

That Doro song sucks a dog's dick.

That Doro song sucks a dog's dick.

I could swear his name is Tony Iommi, not Tommy.