Mayor McZombie

The Allen & Ginter Cards
The Allen & Ginter Cards as a series form a secret code. The first person to decrypt it gets a prize - one year it was a personal trading card. This year, I think it's an autographed set. Here's a link to how a guy did the original one. I think he solved this year's as well:

Yo, Easy Lover is fucking awesome. When they hit the part towards the end with the syncopation into the final reprise (OMG music words!), that is all kinds of tits.

Avatar, did you actually read any of her books, or are you just going off the cuff here, because if that's the case, you're no different than Glenn Beck or whomever you imagine Ayn Rand to be.

The worst thing about this movie
Besides everything was that they had hot, youngish girlfriends. The movie would have been much better if at least one of them went home to an Estelle Costanza-type. At least it wouldn't have taken itself so seriously, like this director clearly did.

Oh please, Spielberg is Jewish. Everyone loves the grail legend. They're fun, popcorn movies that are well made. Last Crusade was a good movie, and so was Temple of Doom. None of them are as good as Raiders though, although Temple of Doom is the closest, and haters gonna hate, I know.

Fair enough.

did you totally not get the inception joke? At least I dreamed I did! Hello?

By the way, this show fucking sucks.

My girlfriend made me watch this instead of Community/30 Rock. I broke up with her later that night.

It's FRANKA, cockslobber.

David Foster Wallace
Kurt Vonnegut
James Joyce

Wraihead, I just posted that as my facebook status…

What women want should have just been the scene at the end of King Kong where King Kong's got her and the fighter planes are trying to shoot him. That's what women want.

Stick to Lost discussion board dissertations…

doctor (Topher Grace) whose purpose isn't immediately apparent.
thanks for giving away the twist…

I randomly saw Korn live in Iowa of all places last summer, and you know what, they play a pretty damned good live set.

No shocker
That Treme theme is a ripoff of "turn on your lovelight" by the Grateful Dead.

BOOO that's Bryan Adams.

Yeah, I'm completely against ad-hominem attacks, but I reserve the right to verbally roll my eyes if compelled.

Seriously? I usually just don't reply to these posts, though every part of me wants to be insulting, but this was such utter nonsense that you have written. Do you think the writers are considering these tangential interpretations of the themes that they are using? There's no way. There's no way seasons 1 and 2