Mayor McZombie

He brought Richard there too, though. Richard is a candidate. The Man in Black as Locke tells him so, and also, chooses not to, or cannot kill him when he first arrives in the island. To respond to someone above who suggested that maybe candidates can enter Jacob's home whenever, Richard never could, and he was

When were they invited?

Could be an indentured servant, too..

And, Sawyer, like Jacob, would greet a strange intruder by roughing him up a little bit.

Or Keenan Ivory Wayans popping out in a mailman uniform yelling "Message!"

No Ghost Blasting!

theme, not them.

I think it was just to symbolize the yin/yang them to the whole show, that even in that place of death and evil, something vibrant and alive and beautiful could exist - the butterfly.

And the Man in Black is another name for Randall Flagg.

The Island is like Pandora's box, and man in black is the contents of that box.

Okay, plot hole?
Why did the man in black have to wait 140 years before enacting his plan?

I thought GTA4 was awesome.

Spike room on hard was ridiculous. So was the fight against the flaming cerberus that shot the exploding dogs at you while you had to fight those asshole jackals. So were the multiple Zeus battles.

That fucking scorpion. Or what about when you have like a million of those minotaurs plus the cyclops?

Anyone who says this game is too easy: play it on hard. On hard, this game is fucking ridiculous at some points. I beat Bayonetta on hard, and the combat in that game is probably a little more difficult, but the enemies are also really unfair and you die a lot of cheap and frustrating deaths (and then have to sit


This game is so much better than Bayonetta. They don't even deserve to be in the same conversation, frankly.

Yeah, the face smash was more like the way Bruce Willis killed the Yellow Bastard in Sin City.

In a fucking sensible society, it wouldn't be kesha or keesha or cash-a, it would be fucking cashier.

This is one of the worst things i've ever seen.