
My point is less about his movie choices and more, like EG said above, that I just don't know if Hollywood will ever be able to find the right place to use him. History is filled with great actors who never found the right roles. That doesn't mean he won't find success in his own right, and maybe that'll mean coming

I want to see a movie with Paul, Kitsch and Ben Foster together, all playing against type.

I like Paul, seems like a good guy, is genuinely nice to his fans, and BB proved he can act. But man, I get the sense this may be another Taylor Kitsch situation where his post-TV career never really takes off.

I can agree with you there. I always thought the joke of "Autumn" (yes, dumb pun) was that Tom clearly hadn't learned anything in the end. Which, in its own way, is a joke on the audience.

Oh… sorry… um, spoilers…. I mean, no, that didn't happen. I was only joking.

Now that's Dean a demon, I'm guessing those stories are about to get a whole lot creepier. Which is saying something.

I suppose Sam and Dean Winchester are already taken.

That latter criticism is one I've never really agreed with. I think Summer is actually pretty well drawn (especially in the realm of rom-coms, but even beyond that), it's just that we spend the first half of the movie seeing her through Tom's eyes (with hints of reality coming through) and then the 2nd half

I see a messy film, just not a mess. And (knowing this will sound fanboy wanky), to me the messiness is the point, a reflection of the fact that a relationship is not just one or even two perspectives, but dozens, sometimes within the same person. Lord knows I've had and given so many conflicting descriptions of past

Precisely. It's like a "What Not To Do" guide for dummies who always fall in love with their image of a girl (or guy).

Hah, yes, I saw that. I remember all of those points in your rant.

You and I have had this debate before so I won't go into here again, but I do agree with you that it isn't an optimistic movie and that's a big misreading of it.

Yeah, I'm not doing that part as well as I'd like.

I'm just looking for the right woman who will die young so I can go bang other broads. HIMYM is my Bible.

I like how the M.A.C. System is simultaneously a parody of those types of 'dating' systems while actually being one that would probably work in real life.

I'd imagine that would have been the foreplay.

I also take issue with Showtime, but it's entirely based on Dexter.

But not necessarily in that order.

Yes, troll, because instead of discussing what I actually said, you insist on debating a caricature. If this were simply a matter of us disagreeing you could have stated your point (like others did) and we could have had a rational back-and-forth. Instead, because you're steeped in the language of Internet trolling,

When you find out an artist whose work you have loved and followed for years is likely going to stop making that type of personal work for a decade, yes, I'd call that terrible news. Of course, that's just from a guy who likes art, who knows how a troll like you would react to it.