
I assure you, that man was a heretic. Jesus likes 'em young. Once you're old enough to vote, he loses interest.

I was feeling stir crazy so I went to see Obvious Child. A real pleasant surprise (since I hadn't heard much about it). Jenny Slate was great and I found its portrayal of abortion to be refreshingly un-hysterical. Highly recommend.

Yep, because expressing a legitimate concern that has been borne out by countless other artists over the years is certainly tantamount to a fanboy freak out.

He very well might, and I certainly don't begrudge an artist his dreams, but Brick, Brothers Bloom and Looper are my favorite directorial-trilogy and I just hope he has a few more like them in his bag.

Except that this will consume the next 5 to 10 years of his career, and it's not always easy to get your mojo back. There's also the fact that statistically artists do their best work in their younger years. (Yes, there are exceptions but they aren't as numerous as you'd hope.)

Well, this is terrible news for anyone who was hoping Rian would keep creating personal, idiosyncratic films.

I've met a lot of the 99%, and frankly, I'm not really all that happy being lumped in with them.

There was that one night, but it doesn't count because you were all drinking sangria.

So, translucent.

That kitten's so white, it will live a fairly easy life without ever recognizing its societal advantages.

This physically hurt to read.

To be fair, Erin is from a long line of fantastic Cummings.

I saw these guys on tour right about the time the first backyard dancing video came out (the 2nd album hadn't released yet). It was a fun show with a choreographed dance for their encore. They may not be brilliant songwriters, but they're entertaining as hell, so I hope they keep it up.

If my Uber driver isn't at, at least, half-mast, I always demand a refund.

Oh yes, Frisky Dingo was just one long running gag. I always tell people the final episode is basically just every reoccurring joke shoved into 12 minutes, and it's glorious. I still say 'Boosh and/or Kakow' and nobody knows what I'm talking about.

That was always a funny and very subversive gag, but I don't think I've seen them use it in many years. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not as religiously a viewer as I once was.

Happy Endings' reoccurring "Stupid Clumsy Bitch" is high on my list. Honestly, that entire show is built on running gags.

This was so specific, I have to wonder exactly how @repostedcustomerreviews:disqus keeps up with the gimmick. Is s/he just bookmarking every random review s/he sees and then filing them for later use?

Looks like a great time. Love the Birdman poster looking a lot like Batman. Does Jack Nicholson cameo in this?