Jay G.

From Wikipedia:
"A burn notice is an official statement issued by one intelligence agency to other agencies. It states that an individual or a group is unreliable for one or more reasons or purposes. This is essentially a directive for the recipient to disregard or "burn" all information

I was totally with mizerock when Emperor's New Groove came out. The trailers for it made it look horrible. Then it got released on video, and I caught part of it playing in a store, and I thought "that's actually pretty funny." So I (mostly) blind bought it on DVD, and loved the film. Everything everyone else has said


The reason Bill Murray does it because he, Woody Harrelson, and Emma Stone are stoned as balls. When you're high, you make stupid decisions.

mizerock: I saw the original Ringu before seeing The Ring, and I felt Ringu was better. They are so close to each other, that I think whichever you see first is the one you prefer, since it feels new and interesting. However, I do think the added horse scene in The Ring was unnecessary and dumb.

Except the Disneyland/World ride is based off of the animated Disney version of The Wind in the Willows. So a lot of people were familiar with the proper title of the story.

Mad Men had a recent episode where they showed nude photographs. It was so matter-of fact in the episode that I didn't realize until afterward what a big deal that would've been on a network channel.

Darin Morgan did write the scene on the rock. In fact, he's credited with providing "assistance" on the script, which I think means he possibly did a rewrite, which explains why there's so many references to his past scripts.

Anyone else ever see the fan-made alternate "film break" in Gremlins 2 for the digital era? The guy who made it really wants to make a Gremlins 3:

So this show inherited the timeslot Sledge Hammer! had? Did ABC seriously think these show had a chance against those two shows, or were they deliberately trying to kill them?

It's a bit unfair to compare the first King's Quest to Lucasarts, since Lucasarts didn't release their first adventure game until 1986, two years after King's Quest came out, with SCUMM being introduced a year after that.

In regards to WHY the TARDIS exploded, The Doctor explained near the end that someone, or something, had taken control of the TARDIS, and that they have to find out who/what that was. It's something they'll cover next season.

1) Bender has already been the spokesperson for a good cause, in "Bending in the Wind" and "Crimes of the Hot".

I think it's more a reference to the graffiti artist Invader, who has put up tiles in the shape of Space Invaders in several different cities. He's one of the featured artists in the recent film Exit Through the Gift Shop

Quintin Tarantino is known for writing camera angles, stage directions, and explanations into his scripts. Of course, he's writing for projects he's going to direct himself.

A good part of the Aragorn and Arwen romance is in the Appendix in the novel. For the film, they moved some of that into the story proper.

Darin Morgan was the first time I actually paid attention to the writing credits on a show. I had missed Humbug, but was floored by Clyde Bruckman's Final Respose. After War of the Coprophages aired, I was struck by their similarities, including but not exclusively their humor, and looked up the writer credits on the

I watch it on BBC America.

I agree, the "Ayrton Senna" EP was better, with popier songs. I absolutely loved that EP when it came out last year. It's taking me some time to warm up to Subiza.

I agree. Yay pedantry!