Jay G.

Whether the planned "Young Roland" TV series gets made depends a lot on the success of this film. Based on the negative reviews, I don't see the TV series going ahead.

Wouldn't it come out during the prosecution of the actual perpetrator though? They'll want to use the DNA evidence, and so they'll have to say why they ruled out Jim's DNA match, and so they'd have to provide testimony/evidence that Trish and Jim had consensual sex.

I think the eye doesn't have audio, and Rachel's phone was tapped.

I've had to deal with some people arguing against the change in the comments on what I thought was a rather progressive site. A lot of "I personally don't mind, but…" They couch it in terms of whether society is ready to handle it, or whether it's the right time, or question to motivations of the change. It's sad.

Christopher Nolan technically didn't adapt Jonathan "Jonah" Nolan's short story, which wasn't written yet when Christopher started writing the screenplay. Jonathan had a story idea, and they both basically went off and wrote their version of it. Personally, I think Christopher's story is better.

I still haven't seen Cars 2. After the first Cars, I was like, "never again."

So murdering superheroes in order to test out a supermachine that you then crash into metropolis so you can "save" it with your neat gadgets is the "right" thing to do?

It would be interesting if they give her a male companion, and in the historicals the characters tend to look to the companion first.

I got assigned to a jury for a civil case. The first day of the case, the judge swore us in only to immediately tell us that the two parties had settled.

"Hard" science has a very specific connotation though, especially in terms of science fiction. Basically, it means it's based on only known credible sciense. While Doctor Who has varied between stuff more science based and stuff that's more fantasy wrapped up in sci-fi trappings, I don't think it's ever been something

It's not just you, if the reports about the Han Solo movie are true, Kathleen Kennedy agrees with you too. Hey now!

The movie isn't true either.

I don't think the Widow Goldfarb is the mastermind, but she is working with Varga. And I don't think she's actually the Widow Goldfarb.

DC put it on Youtube, with NBC's permission.

It's more convoluted. Disney requested a direct-to-video sequel, and Pixar put a "B Team" on it, and it was crap. The Pixar heads saw it, went "oh no," and shut down production and did a massive reworking on it. They then pumped so much work into it they deemed it worthy of a theatrical release.

There are people that prefer consoles, but also like advanced graphics. These are the people that buy next-gen consoles at launch, and this time around MS is looking to get them to upgrade or buy-in mid generation.

Well, that's basically what he's saying. Louie may never come back either. FX seems flexible with their scheduling, and many shows don't seem to have to adhere to the "a new season every year" schedule anymore.

I think that's the joke. The man is getting upset with Mullah pointing his feet towards God, but Allah is everywhere.