
I would have liked to see the music evolution question challenged by the interviewer.  It would be interesting to hear what the man considered to be evolution for a start.

Joy Division most definitely has guitars; Transmission was written as a celebration of the sound of guitar.  You sure you're thinking of the same band Warren?

Why, do you normally listen to music made by primates on instruments made of raw meat?
Great hooks, great sounds, crazy looks, a handful of great songs in a patchy back catalogue.
And what makes them wimpy?

Picking up on something you said there; my thoughts when reading this article were that these films are less about faith and more about some of the people who claim to follow the faith and justify actions as a result.

And did one of these hit big or something?
Most unlikely cheesy dance hit in Ireland - Mark McCabe, Maniac 2000.  It was in the charts for a crazy amount of time and…well…just listen:www.youtube.com/watc…
That was the actual video.

You are either my favourite Novelty poster or my least favourite Grunge survivor.  Either way, kudos!

I saw Sparks on the last day of a rainy festival and they played Dick Around for about 15 minutes.  I went through that series of emotions ten times.  Which for me equals awesome by default.


I'm with Cooking with Cranston, we used to call it Glam-metal.

Good contribution bro.  I really question the ethos of those who don't question tastes you know?

I too was 12 watching the season finale and I remeber distinctly feeling physically ill I was so upset at the ending.

This thread is fucking disgusting - I don't know if Hipster DBag is trolling or not but that shit is proper fucking disgusting. Stop.

Star Trek: Deep Space 69

@This place is a cesspool


objective C+(+)
Are you a programmer in your spare time?

Bring back beat connection

I've had a lover
Don't think I'll have another
These Days

Skream did a fantastic remix of La Roux, I bet he could work some magic on Gaga as well. And still only 23!