

OK, here is the Tenebaums house in street view in Tiny URL which hopefully the moderator WONT delete this time!

RATM's riffs are not mindless. Not on that first album anyway. Tight playing by all involved though I agree that the rapping is so so.

Check out the video for waiting for a friend on UTubes…try and spot which members of the band HAVEN'T shot up 30 seconds before the cameras started rolling. At one point (when they are sitting on the steps) you can even see Mick turning around to give out to Keef.

Yeah, Cock ESP have been around for at least a decade. Although pretty much everyone associated with that scene has a funny name (band or song).

JANET FTW, that's hilarious!!!

Dammit Dino, I was going to post the same comment on the brevity/soul/wit comment. With you all the way on this one!

Well, the second one at least had Natalie Portman in that white jumpsuit.

I love the army sergeant in the Robot Wars episode and his delivery of the line "I hadn't thought of that"


Why not move all the comments over to a board? Whenever someone posts a new article one of the AV staff could open a thread on the board and allow people to discuss. (You could give only AVers rights to post new threads). Then you could also set up some of the vigilant and reasonable readers as moderators to ensure

Great interview
Really enjoyable interview, I had no idea he was so well spoken. Anyone read that Burial interview from last year, I was similarily impressed with how literate he was talking about his music.

Sabbath slay DP every day of the week.

The Manic Street Preachers certainly covered CvB in an odds and sods albums from a few years back.

Hey Devil Dinosaur! Are you the guy who wrote into Dan Savage this week?

Gene Wolfe
Very late to this so am not sure if anyone is going to read this but Gene Wolfe anyone? Brilliant writer full stop, happens to do sci fi


Dan Deacon
Sorry to see Dan Deacon go. There are some great songs on the Spiderman of the Rings album (Wham City is the one that comes to mind) and So Cow have some great songs too. He wouldnt make my top 100 of all time even I am sure but I dont think I would drop him from the collection either.

I like the Cure's earlier work too. But has anyone heard "Out of this World" off Bloodflowers, the Cure album that came out a few years ago? The rest of the alum is cack but that one song is magnificent…!

There was a great debate raging about a year ago (resolved now) as to the difference between and Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh breakfast. All are essentially fry ups - sausages, rashers, toasts but the debate got very heated, it made me laugh.