DeGroot of All Evil

I was hoping SXSWi meant Sturtevant by Sheboygan Wisconsin.

You have to say which novelty rap group! I can't even think of one novelty group. Did Juiceboxxx have a group?

This is shooting right now in Santa Fe. They really brought together an expansive array of used Toyotas to make it seem like Pakistan/Afghanistan. So… they also cast a lot of awesome old Land Cruisers, Tercel wagons, and 4wd vans!

We all know it's you, Chuck Klosterman.

Well, it's an event, right? You don't go to Superbowl. You don't go to concert. You don't go to tree trimming.

You should mind. I still hate the fictional character Eric Forman.

Yeah, it always airs during pledge drives. It's great as a document. Doesn't pose many questions. He doesn't completely cut himself off from society. Just a guy livin in the woods, makin a cabin, sharin it with a mouse or two. The apparent ease of it is really the great part.

Kendrick Lemarlborough Sauvignon Blanc

Melle Malbec?

Syrah Mixalot

I do not think that promiscuous men are treated the same as promiscuous women.

What was her trail name?

Ignaty definitely is.

Who doesn't like watching LeBron play defense?

I like Meth's Mexico hat. Also, when has anyone but Ghost dressed up for anything?

The Usual Suspects

I submit that "The Art of Partying" the "America the Beautiful" of partying really, really hard.

It sounds like it's lacking Stadium Sauce. Bring that if you've got any laying around.

Funky Winkerbean/ Crankshaft universe: brought to you by Jay Duplass. Or the opposite way and go telenovela with it.

I too made some assumptions about that Ralph Ellison book that turned out to be wrong.