DeGroot of All Evil

The bullshit that people around the world use soup with starch and gelatinous meats for a hangover cure because it makes sense and works?

Does haejangguk have a rhyme about being for hangovers, because… "Menudo por crudo".

Or the late '90s early 2000's. Karate, anyone?

Sometimes my wife says that Diet Coke tastes like the inside of her mouth. Phil Elverum's music feels like the inside of my mind-mouth.

This is like Dexie's Midnight Runners, Mumford and Sons, and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah combined. They're too hippieish to be twee.

I think popular opinion says that he was miscast as DFW, but Dowd disagrees.

Global warming.

I think there's a difference between suspense in horror and waiting for the inevitable comeuppence in dramatic action. In dramatic action there is a thread of destiny that is clear due to some character's choices or birthright. In horror you hopefully don't know exactly what is going to happen. Think of how scary the

All the Pretty Horses Cormac would. The Road Cormac would write it almost the same, but in present tense.
(I should probably get a Cormac McCarthy gimmick account.)

Damon Wayans Jr. should reverse engineer a show about his dad and have George Gore play Sr.

The only examples of writing from a woman's perspective that I can think of are by Cursive, and they're not particularly minstrelsy. It's just old Tim being disappointed in himself.
It does seem like something that could easily come off badly though. If "Janie's Got a Gun" was "I Got a Gun" I think I would vomit even

No Safe Men?!

There's no deuce drop. Cormac said he didn't hate the deuce drop, didn't love it.

Narrowly avoided saying "Stussy" in that interview. Phew!

David Sedaris is a borderline mentally disabled/ fully mentally ill hillbilly ghoul?

How does one pronounce Sharlto? (I really hope the l is silent.)

Wait, this movie would be improved by youtube comments? Ouch.

He was busy making 50 Shades of Black and printing money.

I don't think the movie was subtle. It was overt what was going on, and it had some gore. With the exception of the ending, it wasn't particularly dramatic though. It was like historical-reenactment mumblecore speculative fiction. Everybody knows witches don't really exist. What this movie pre-supposes is… they did?